Working My Way Through France, C’est Bon!
I have been traveling in Europe and working most of the time that I have been here. When I return, I will have been in Europe for six weeks total. My travels have brought me to France, Italy, Andorra, Monaco, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland. It has been interesting and challenging to say the least. First, since […]
4 Nights in a $44 Airbnb
A few months ago, I gave a TEDx style talk at RTP180 of education and travel where I discussed being able to travel on a budget and use it as an educational opportunity. I am just now returning from a spontaneous trip to Florida. My wife wanted to take our kids swimming with the Manatees […]
The 5 Things That Helped Me Become a Better Speaker This Year
This has been a good year as a speaker for me. Early this year, I decided that I wanted to move from being a “presenter” to a “speaker”. It meant that I needed to change in numerous ways. Change is not easy for some. In fact, most people do not embrace change. To me presenting […]
Planning for Success in 2017
This is the year of success. I am making sure of it. In November, I sat down and planned what I want to do this year. For Social Post Interactive, I went from wanting to help businesses (any) with their digital marketing campaigns to narrowing down the types of companies that I can help best. This […]
Don’t Procrastinate Your Planning
Holidays are a good time to relax, spend time with family and loved ones as well as recharge for the New Year. It is easy to fall into the trap of relaxing too much and not planning to start off the New Year right. I get it, the food, fun and companionship is too compelling […]
My Apple TV Review
I have been eagerly awaiting the Apple TV refresh for a long time and received my 64GB Apple TV 4 on launch day. I thought I would provide my thoughts in case you were looking to buy one. The box itself looks almost exactly the same as the older units, just that it is noticeably […]