Hank’s Marketing and Business Tip #26: Pixel


This is Hank Hoffmeier with a Marketing and Business Tip for you today.

When it comes to online marketing, especially with serving ads, What you want to do is make sure that you are building an audience of people that you can retarget. Retargeting means serving ads to someone that is ready engage with you. If someone comes to your website, looks around and leaves, you may want to serve them and ad later on because they have showed some interest. They may be interested in coming back and buying from you later on.

One thing that you can do is put in Google Analytics or Google AdWords pixel on your website where you can track traffic. Also you should put a Facebook pixel on your website. This is something you can do through Facebook Ads, without buying ads by the way. You install your pixel whether it is Google AdWords or Facebook to start building an audience.

Facebook and Google will start tracking people that go to your website, and put them into what they call an audience. So, whenever you are ready to, or if you are ready now, you can start designing, building and serving ads to people or visited your website, entice them to come back to you, to contact you, or buy your product and service. It is great way to keep people looking at you,, your brand and your website.  People that come to your website and leave, you can attract them back.

So again, make sure that you are looking at retargeting using tracking pixels for Facebook and Google.

That is all for today’s marketing and business tip. If you have missed previous tips, and would like to hear them, head over to HankHoffmeier.com/Alexa. You can also sign up for my email newsletter and I can deliver my tips directly to your inbox every day. Thank you for tuning in.


  • Hank Hoffmeier

    Hank is an author, speaker, podcast host and Sr. Manager of Marketing Operations at Kickbox, a Ziff Davis company. With a passion for all things digital and social, combined with more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing, he has been dubbed the Digital Marketing Infotainer because he makes marketing fun and successful. 

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