This is the second part of my discussion with Brandon Hatcher of Social Remedy Marketing. Make sure to listen to part one, which is episode 113.

We jump to where Brandon talks about ‘being on social media”. Many business owners have told Brandon that they did not think that their potential customers were on social media. They tend to think that their demographic may not be on certain social media channels.

Demographics for social channels can change, so it is worth creating and posting content for most channels. You also want to have an archive of posts so that people that visit your profile can see the historical posts.

If you do not get involved now, you will lose business to those that are on currently on social media. Take it easy and try it out. There is a lot of material out there like blog articles and videos to help you learn about social media. You can also speak with and hire experts.

There are also tools like Hoostuite and Buffer that will help you post to numerous channels at once. For the most part, Brandon likes to post directly to his channels. We discuss the difference between posting directly or using a tool as well as frequency.

Brandon wraps up by discussing Instagram and Snapchat. He urges business owners to try these channels out even if you do not think that your demographic is there. Take social media seriously and learn as much as you can.

I ask Brandon if a business owner should pay an agency or someone to help them with social media. He said that it is not all that important. He does say that it is important to use paid ads to drive people to take and action. You can also find and work with influencers. They can be affordable. Influencers are people that will help you with brand recognition by promoting your business. I mention this in episodes #42 and #51.

We discuss using the explorer feature in Instagram where you can search for people posting in your local area. Once you find some relevant posts, you can comment on their posts to gain visibility. It is important that you engage with other users on Instagram. You need to provide value on social media.

I mention not worrying about how many people that you see engaging with you because you need to provide the same value to one or 100 people.

For content, you can use content like pictures of your work or workplace. You have more content than you think. Start off with what you are comfortable with. Don’t worry about the quality, people care about what value they receive, not how good it looks or feels.

Instagram is not only for photos, you can also post long-form text on Instagram. I mention the account Before5AM. The owner, Joe Duncan, is good at breaking up the text and I discuss how he does it since Instagram does not support paragraph breaks. Listen and learn.

Speaking about 5am, Brandon and I talk about cheating by getting up early and beating your competitors!

This wraps up my two-part series with Brandon Hatcher. Like with many of my discussions, they can go on forever!

Reach out to Brandon:
_BrandonHatcher on Instagram







  • Hank Hoffmeier

    Hank is an author, speaker, podcast host and Sr. Manager of Marketing Operations at Kickbox, a Ziff Davis company. With a passion for all things digital and social, combined with more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing, he has been dubbed the Digital Marketing Infotainer because he makes marketing fun and successful. 

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