Podcast: Discussing Business and Marketing
I recently appeared on Triangle Cast, where Jason Guigno and Corey Jeffreys explore the ways that people bend, break, or hack the rules to live a life of their choosing. This may include entrepreneurs, business leaders, and people from all walks of life. During Episode 8, there was a section where we discussed starting a business and being worried because […]
Use Facebook to Re-Engage With Your Email Subscribers

As consumers, we all get busy. We all tend to put off making decisions, especially when it comes to shopping. Sometimes a little reminder helps. These days, people have their attention pulled in many different directions. Marketing on one channel, such as email, is limiting your conversion potential. You should be using other platforms to […]
Google May Have Launched Ad Price Extensions

Search Engine Land is reporting that Google may have started to let price extensions for mobile text ads out of beta. Google started testing these ads back in July. Now advertisers can use extensions to offer prices for procucts or services in ads. Advertisers can use the extensions to call out product or service offerings and starting […]