Temporary and Video Profile Images for Facebook

Facebook Profile Video

It looks like Facebook is rolling out a bunch of new updates lately. We recently reported that Facebook is testing a new feature called Reactions, which is a much anticipated change people have been waiting for. Rather than being able to dislike a post, users will have a range of ways to show emotions. The most recent is the ability to add temporary profile images as well as using a video to use as you profile image.

Since video is very popular on social media, it makes sense that Facebook will allow users to create a video to be used as their profile image. Twitter recently started supporting autoplay videos and SnapChat has animated selfie lenses and a GIF as a profile. Facebook is trying to stay competitive here.

To create a video profile image, you can click on the record button to start recording a 7 second video that includes sound. Your video will autoplay with sound upon load when other users see it. I encourage you to get creative. If you look at the examples from Facebook employees, you will see them blowing air on their face and dropping hats on their heads.

You will also be able to create and use a temporary profile image. You can set this image for hours, days or weeks and your profile will revert back to the older one once your temporary one expires. You can use it when you are supporting events, causes or for a variety of other reasons. They even provide tools for filtering your profile image.

Learn more about this and other changes here and in this video:



  • Hank is an author, speaker, podcast host and Sr. Manager of Marketing Operations at Kickbox, a Ziff Davis company. With a passion for all things digital and social, combined with more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing, he has been dubbed the Digital Marketing Infotainer because he makes marketing fun and successful. 

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