5 Ways You Can Use Social Media On Father’s Day

Father's Day

Father’s Day is around the corner. If you sell a product or service, you should capitalize on this time to grab the attention of your customers. Based on information from 2013, 61% of consumers had shopped online for their Father’s Day presents.

This is a popular holiday for retailers to take advantage of, where gifts are the number one way people celebrate. Number two is probably grilling food! You can join in on the fun and celebrate Dad. Here are 5 ways you can promote your brand on Father’s day:

Instagram and Snapchat

Pictures and videos are a very popular right now on social media with more weight on video. Take pictures that will engage with your audience or use a short video. It is ok if you do not have the ability to “produce” the videos. You can just film your yourself talking in your store or office.

There are apps for your smartphone that will help you add text and effects for your image. Captions Free and BeFunky are a couple. HyperLapse allows you create time-lapse video and iMove can edit video. Be aware that video on Instagram and Snapchat are short. Have fun with it!

Facebook Ads

You can use Facebook’s ad platform to reach a larger audience. Most people think the ads on Facebook are too expensive, but you can promote or boost your post for a small amount of money. You have the ability to granularly target your audience or just keep it broad. Given that only 2% to 8% of your followers will see your post if you do not promote it, you want to ensure that you have as large of an audience as possible for this post!


Hastags will help give your posts more longevity and also help you join in on a popular discussion. Father’s day is a topic that people will have some popularity on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Make sure to read our post on hashtags.

You can use hashtags such as #DAD #BestDad or #FathersDay. Make sure to monitor hashtags and join in other conversations while also posting your own.


SnapYeti is a great tool that allows you to run photo contests. The service is free right now and will allow you to gain some followers and customers by allowing them to submit pictures to receive a discount and the chance to win a prize.

Head over to their site and find out what it is all about! It does not take a large budget to run a contest. You can offer 10% off if someone enters the contest and then give away something like a $50 gift card or giveaway for the lucky winner.


If you have a YouTube channel, you can create a quick video honoring Dad’s across the country. Maybe you can tie in something that relates to your brand. Make sure that you do not use the video to promote your product or service, as that will be viewed as being selfish and greedy. You could possibly review an item or service and relate it to Dads.

This will help keep your YouTube channel fresh and full of content. If you do not have a channel you may wan to look at creating one so that you have another channel to use and also help boost your brand on search engines.

There you have it, 5 ways that you can use social media for Father’s day. Have fun with it and be creative.

Let’s not stop brainstorming here, let us know ideas you have in the comments below or contact us for a consultation.


  • Hank is an author, speaker, podcast host and Sr. Manager of Marketing Operations at Kickbox, a Ziff Davis company. With a passion for all things digital and social, combined with more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing, he has been dubbed the Digital Marketing Infotainer because he makes marketing fun and successful. 

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