Instagram Now Supports Posting Up to 10 Photos as a Carousel

With it’s most recent update, Instagram is not allowing users to post up to 10 photos as one time, as a scrollable carousel. Users will see the update available over the next few weeks. The update kind of resembles the way the carousel ads on Facebook and Instagram now work. Users no longer need to […]
Landscaper Using Facebook In a Unique Way to Communicate With Clients

I recently started a discussion on a Facebook group about how landscapers use Facebook to help grow their business. So far, there are 48 replies and going strong. I was impressed with the amount of landscapers that are using Facebook to post pictures of their work and attract business. What caught my attention was a […]
Snapchat Adds Universal Search

If you use Snapchat, you are aware that it is difficult to find the content you want to follow. With the roll out of Universal Search, you will be able to find more of what you want to see from friends and groups. You will also be able to navigate the app better and find friends […]
Instagram Story Ads

Instagram is now going to start adding a 5 second photo or 15 second video add between stories where there is more than on in a row. They will be set to autoplay with audio. Users will have the ability to skip by swiping. Instagram is boasting over 150 million users are now using stories. […]
Use Facebook to Re-Engage With Your Email Subscribers

As consumers, we all get busy. We all tend to put off making decisions, especially when it comes to shopping. Sometimes a little reminder helps. These days, people have their attention pulled in many different directions. Marketing on one channel, such as email, is limiting your conversion potential. You should be using other platforms to […]
Periscope Updated for Landscape Support

On September 10th, Periscope updated their app to support viewing and broadcasting in landscape mode. Ever since it’s inception, Periscope only allowed their app to be used in portrait mode. They also added something called Share Context. When someone you follow shares a broadcast, it appears in your home feed. With this update, they have […]
How Social Media Is Important/relevant To Small And Medium Sized Businesses

Marketing and advertising has changed significantly since the beginning of the internet and tech mobility which has dramatically increased capability for small and medium businesses. Mobile and internet together have incited a new era in effective communication strategies and engagement. A website called “” reports a total of 6,915 million mobile subscriptions globally, so it’s […]
5 Ways You Can Use Social Media On Father’s Day

Father’s Day is around the corner. If you sell a product or service, you should capitalize on this time to grab the attention of your customers. Based on information from 2013, 61% of consumers had shopped online for their Father’s Day presents. This is a popular holiday for retailers to take advantage of, where gifts […]