Hank’s Marketing and Business Tip #9: Hashtag Holidays

This is Hank Hoffmeier with your Marketing and Business Tip for the day.
I would like to talk today about hashtag holidays. A lot of people talk about hashtags, or the # sign before words when you are using those on social media, and yes, they are becoming more popular on Facebook.
Mostly on Twitter and Instagram are they very popular.  What you could do is use hashtags to join into conversations that are already popular or create your own, but most importantly use hashtag holidays or holidays that either you make up or that align with your business industry. Ones like your National Cupcake Day if you own a bakery or National Outdoors Day if  you are a landscaper.
There is a lot of unique offerings out there as far as national holidays. You can just do  Google search fun national holidays and there will be one for every day. The other day I used Happy Chips and Dip Day and basically gets people engaged with your content.
Try to be relevant to what your business is doing or at least make it fun. But #holidays are good way to supplement content and also augment what you’re doing with the actual national holidays it just makes you have a better personality as well as have a fun and engaging type of post for someone to view, listen to, or share which is very important.
So, make sure to use hashtag holidays in some of your upcoming social media campaigns.
If you missed previous recordings and would like to hear them, please head over to www.hankhoffmeier.com/alexa  and you can listen to my other recordings.  Thank you for tuning in today!


  • Hank is an author, speaker, podcast host and Sr. Manager of Marketing Operations at Kickbox, a Ziff Davis company. With a passion for all things digital and social, combined with more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing, he has been dubbed the Digital Marketing Infotainer because he makes marketing fun and successful. 

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