Choosing the Right Marketing Platforms for Your Brand

Choose the right marketing platforms.

When it comes to marketing, the age-old question of “Where should we post?” can make or break a brand’s strategy. The recent video “Say It, Don’t Spray It” cuts through the noise with essential advice: be strategic with your platform choices. Here’s a breakdown of how to make sure your brand is where it needs […]

Find New Ways to Engage on Twitter


Most people think that Twitter is a social media channel that you just use to push out updates. There are many other uses such as using it as a support channel or finding out about trending topics. When news breaks, Twitter is one of the first mediums to find information about what is happening. For […]

Tweetbot for Mac Now Supports for Longer Direct Messages and More


If you use Tweetbot for the Mac, you will be happy to know that version 2.0.1 will now support Twitter’s new tweet quote functionality and also the longer Direct Message length. For the retweet option, you will now have the option to quote a users tweet. As mentioned in this blog post, Twitter users can now send direct […]

Twitter’s New Birthday Balloons

It’s your Birthday! Well, maybe not today, but Twitter wants to help you celebrate! If you add your birthday to your Twitter profile, they will add animated balloons to your profile to help you celebrate.

Twitter Removes Character Limit for Direct Messages

For the longest time, Twitter had the same 140 character rule for direct messages like it has for regular tweets. It was hard to actually have a private conversation since the limit was so short. Twitter announced that this change will be coming this month and the new limit will be 10,000 characters. Earlier this […]

Twitter Now Lets You Share Block Lists

Twitter Block list

Let’s face it, not all Twitter users share good things. There are numerous scammers and nefarious folks in Twitter land. To combat this, Twitter allows user to block accounts. This will stop users from adding you to lists and will not show you @replies or mentions from that user. They will not be able to […]

Three Twitter Tips for Beginners

Twitter may seem easy, but there is more to it than meets the eye. You just need an account and send out tweets, right? The answer is no. If you want to use Twitter to help your social campaigns there are three thinks that you need to do all the time. Follow other people – You […]