Hank has spoken at numerous conferences, at times about 20 a year!
Notable conferences include Litmus Live, Digital Summit, Pubcon, State of Search, Social Shake Up Show, Content Creators Conference, Mailcon, NASWA, High Five Conference, Pharmacy Marketing and Sales Conference, Converge South, World Ticket Conference, and more!
Hank has hosted, co-hosted, or moderated too many webinars to count.
Most webinars were for brands like iContact, Campaigner, and the American Marketing Association.
He has also been found in webinars for Marketing Profs, ClickZ, local and national co-working facilities, as well as for SCORE and other live events.
Hank has been featured in the following articles and publications and more!
April 2020- RX Insider: Straight From the Stage: Smart Marketing During COVID-19 with Hank Hoffmeier
Bounceless Blog – Article: Email Marketing is Still the Best Marketing Channel, Which Provides the Highest ROI
Loomly Blog – Article: Engage in Multichannel Marketing With Email and Social Media
Campaign Asia – Tip Sheet: 5 Ways to Improve Ecommerce Average Order Value
FixedOps Magazine – Article on marketing automation
PowerInbox– Topic: Insiderinbox with iContact’s Hank Hoffmeier
ClickZ – Topic: Automation
DestinationCRM (CRM Magazine) – Topic: Automation
Constant Content Blog – Topic: Email Marketing Strategy
Smarter HQ Blog – Topic: Cross Channel Marketing
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